M.A. Piotr Wolanin
Kałagate S., Wolanin P.
The results of emergency excavation at the Old Town of Lubsko (in:) The Library of Middle Oder Archaeology, Workbook.1: Archaeology of Middle Oder Region in last decade of 20th century. Studies on Polish-German Borderland, with focus on archaeological-conservation researches. Conference Papers from Łagowo Lubuskie 12-13 of September 2001, Zielona Góra, p.104-113
Michalak A., Wolanin P.
Preliminary results of emergency excavation at archaeological site no.51 in Żagań (AZP 68-12/45) (in:) The Library of Middle Oder Archaeology, Workbook.3, vol.2, Modern Ways into the Past, 4th Polish-German Archaeological Meeting, Dychów 15-16 of November 2005, Zielona Góra, p. 393-410
The Leather in the Service of War. Military and Non-military elements of Equipment of the Medieval Warrior. General Overview (in:) Not Only the Wapons, Non-military equipment of the Ancient and Medieval Warriors, ed. W.Świętosławski, "Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia", vol.54, p.101-122
Gil Ł., Kałagate S., Wolanin P.
The Early Modern Historic Material gathered during archaeological monitoring at Kargowa, Loco Municipality, Voivodeship of Lubusz, in Pocztowa Street, plot no.632 (in:) The Archaeology of the Middle Oder Region, vol.7, Zielona Góra 2010, p.225-241
Wolanin P.
The Late Medieval Children's Shoes of Żary (in:) The Library of Middle Oder Archaeology, Workbook2, 2nd Polish-German Archaeological Meeting. The Oder - a Barrier or a Bridge for Cultural Expansion? Dychów 29th of April - 1st of May 2004, Zielona Góra, p.294-304
The Collection of 16-Kreuzer Coins discovered in Szprotawa (in:) The Archaeology of the Middle Oder Region, vol.3, Zielona Góra, p.187-196
Methods used in Archaeology to scrutinize Human Interaction with the Environment (in:) Studies on the Lusatian Culture, vol.2, Cultural Landscape of Central Europe, ed. T. Jaworski, Zielona Góra, p.19-30
Growth of the Leather Crafts in early Medieval Silesia - Polemical Remarks (in:) The Archaeology of the Middle Oder Region, vol.5, Zielona Góra, p.353-358
The Leather Shoes discovered at Sanok Castle in Voivodeship of Lubusz (in:) Trepczańskie Seminarium, eds. P. Kotowicz, W. Banach, E. Kasprzak, Sanok, in prep
The State of Research on Leather Objects in Lands of Voivodeship of Lubusz (in:) The Archaeology of the Middle Oder Region, vol.6, Zielona Góra, p.123-140
The 15-Kreuzer Archaeological Surprise from Szprotawa (in:) From the Abyss of the Ages. Lubusz Archaeology, Yearbook 65, No.1-4/2010, p.19-22
Conference Papers:
Studies on Polish-German Borderland, with focus on Archaeological-conservation Researches. Conference in Łagowo Lubuskie 12-13 of September.
The 14th Reporting Conference - Archaeological Explorations on Cuiavia and Greater Poland Lowlands in 2001
The Cultural Landscape of Central Europe, Zielona Góra, 23-24 of October 2003
The 2nd Polish-German Archaeological Meeting. The Oder - a barrier or a bridge for Cultural Expansion? Dychów 29th of April - 1st of May 2004
Modern Ways into the Past, 4th Polish-German Archaeological Meeting, Dychów 15-16 of November 2005, Zielona Góra, p. 393-410
In gremio - in praxi. Problems connected with multi-directional surveys on excavation leather. Szczecin 24-25 of May 2007